Synthesizing the face-to-face experience: e-learning practices and the constitution of place online
J. Maintz Soc. Geogr. Discuss., 3, 31-55, 2007 Abstract
Notice on Discussion Status The requested discussion paper has a corresponding peer-reviewed
final revised paper in the journal Social Geography (SG). You are
encouraged to refer to the final revised version.
Transnational mobility and the spaces of knowledge production: a comparison of different academic fields
H. Jöns Soc. Geogr. Discuss., 3, 79-119, 2007 Abstract
Notice on Discussion Status The requested discussion paper has a corresponding peer-reviewed
final revised paper in the journal Social Geography (SG). You are
encouraged to refer to the final revised version.
Mobile talent or privileged sites? Making sense of biotech knowledge worker mobility and performance in Sweden
H. Mattsson Soc. Geogr. Discuss., 3, 1-29, 2007 Abstract
Notice on Discussion Status The requested discussion paper has a corresponding peer-reviewed
final revised paper in the journal Social Geography (SG). You are
encouraged to refer to the final revised version.
From political construct to tourist souvenir – building the "National" landscape through advertising in Galicia (Spain)
F. López Silvestre and R. Lois González Soc. Geogr. Discuss., 3, 237-272, 2007 AbstractDiscussion Paper (PDF, 7786 KB)Interactive Discussion (Closed, 3 Comments)Publication in SG not foreseen
11 Sep 2007
Raumbezogene Vorstellungsbilder am Beispiel Leipziger Wohnquartiere – ein Annäherungsversuch auf der Grundlage einer visuellen Methodik
K. Wiest Soc. Geogr. Discuss., 3, 183-210, 2007 Abstract
Notice on Discussion Status The requested discussion paper has a corresponding peer-reviewed
final revised paper in the journal Social Geography (SG). You are
encouraged to refer to the final revised version.
International collaboration, mobility and team diversity in the life sciences: impact on research performance
F. Barjak and S. Robinson Soc. Geogr. Discuss., 3, 121-157, 2007 Abstract
Notice on Discussion Status The requested discussion paper has a corresponding peer-reviewed
final revised paper in the journal Social Geography (SG). You are
encouraged to refer to the final revised version.
Neue Geographien des Vertrauens/Misstrauens – Die westdeutsche Volkszählungsboykottbewegungen der 1980er-Jahre
M. Hannah Soc. Geogr. Discuss., 3, 57-78, 2007 Abstract
Notice on Discussion Status The requested discussion paper has a corresponding peer-reviewed
final revised paper in the journal Social Geography (SG). You are
encouraged to refer to the final revised version.